

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Happiness Is......A Summer Tomato

Tomato, tomate, tomaat, tomate, pomodoro. I don't think it matters what language you speak, nothing compares to a  sun ripened native tomato.
Aren't these two of the prettiest little tomatoes you have ever seen? They were grown in a galvanized bucket in my yard and they were sweet, juicy and so delicious. I gave them a quick rinse and popped them right in my mouth.  How do you like to eat your garden tomatoes?

"It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato." - Lewis Grizzard


  1. There is nothing like a warm, summer tomato from your own backyard. So different from those supermarket tomatoes. I love to eat mine sliced with just a bit of kosher salt.

  2. They look perfect. I'm the same as Michelle - sliced with salt

  3. Yum! How does it feel to be a backyard farmer! I LOVE home grown, vine ripened tomatoes! Good job!

  4. We just had some from our garden for dinner tonight, along with peas from the garden. There is nothing better then growing you own veggies.

  5. I like to pop them in my mouth while I'm gardening....

  6. Oh, I so agree with you that there's NOTHING like a sun-ripened tomato. I love them just as they are, or, sliced with cheddar cheese on white bread with mayo. Mmm mmm mmm Susan

  7. i have been eating tomatoes each day. i love a tomato and mayo sandwich on freshly baked bread.

  8. I like mine with a little salt! Nice to see them ripening up for you-enjoy:@)

  9. beautiful, delicious and simple. the best!

  10. Love, love, love summer homegrown tomatoes

  11. It is hard to resist popping the cherry tomatoes into your mouth before you even get into the house. A quick wipe and in they go. :)

  12. I tried a yellow variety like yours a couple of years go and they were amazing - so sweet! I liked to eat them just as they are, or when i have a glut they are lovely gently cooked in a pan with a little olive oil, fresh basil, sea salt and black pepper and whatever you fancy/have to hand - maybe some sweet red peppers, red onions, spinach leaves, bacon, whatever, and then a dash of balsamic vinegar - serve on pasta - simple and yum!

  13. Such a perfect photo...and I love tomatoes warm from teh sun, right from plant to mouth!

  14. You are so correct.... happiness is a summer tomato!!

    How lucky to have such a sweet, delicious harvest.

    We have a few tomatoes; non of them ripe.... yet.

    Enjoy this wonderful summer season.

    Smiles :)

  15. Oh I think your technique is perfect! One can never have too many tomatoes this time of year. Enjoy! Bonnie

  16. Yes! These are the sweetest little cherry tomatoes! They taste best (kinda warm from the sun light) and right of the vine. Hope you are enjoying your day! xxleslie

  17. hello
    such a beautiful photo!!! love homegrown tomatoes,too.
    wish you a nice day,

  18. Es lo más rico y aromático de cosecha propia...felicitaciones,hugs,hugs.

  19. It is very hard to resist a cherry tomato picked straight off the plant and popped into your mouth. So far this year, they are the only tomatoes that have ripened.

  20. I'm a mad keen tomato addict too! Glad I am not alone... Please tell me that the humble Tom is actually a wonder food!


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