Wow, I can't believe how long it has been since my last post. I can't believe how long it has been since I have sat down at the computer. Christmas crept up on me rather quickly this year. I was behind on baking, cleaning, shopping, decorating and anything else that goes along with the holidays. Next year I will be better prepared.
I'm thrilled the New Year is here and all my resolutions have been made. One of my resolutions is to cook a big family meal once a week. A meal where I put out the cloth napkins and set a nice table. Today was that big meal.
Above is the sirloin strip beef roast we had. I sprinkled Montreal Seasoning all over the top, roasted it in a 500 degree oven for twenty minutes and then turned the heat down to 325 for the remainder of the cooking time.
The roast cooking instructions came from my friend Mary (
Aren't these the coolest looking carrots.. They are called Carnival Carrots, I steamed them, added brown sugar, butter and a few tablespoons of fresh orange juice. The purple carrot had a bright yellow center.
A delicious meal to gather the ones I love together around the dinner table. A meal shared with the people who make me the happiest, the people who make my heart swell. Wishing you all many wonderful meals shared with the ones you love. Happy New Year friends!