

Friday, November 11, 2011

Pomegranate.... Simple Pleasures...

Pomegranate seeds are a fall favorite for sure.  I'll eat the seeds from one half and save the seeds from the other half to sprinkle on salads.


  1. I have never had pomegranate seeds! I shall have to try them. Lovely photo.

  2. Wonderful photo . I am not a fan of pomegranate just not a taste I like. Have a wonderful day !

  3. I love it, but I've never mastered the art of removing the seeds. When we lived in California our neighbor had a pomegranate tree that hung over our backyard and the kids would sit around the pool and make a huge mess pulling them apart. Great photo.

  4. Beautiful pic!! lovey autumn colours!!!
    Have a great week end

  5. You make every thing sound and look so delicious, Susan. Pomegranates look beautiful in the store but I have not tried one.


  6. I see them in the store but I don't know what to do with them . So, you just crack them open and eat the seeds?

  7. Definitely worth the mess to have those beautiful little jewels!

  8. A BEAUTIFUL photo and I DO love pomegranates too!

  9. Beautiful photo!!!!!!!!!!!!! takes my breath away, I feel healthy just looking at it!
    thank you!

  10. I love their place in Greek mythology! I love the way they sit inside the skin of the fruit! I love their health benefits! I love their color! I love them on salads or in salsas, but I don't love them juiced. The POM juice is too strong and concentrated for my palate!

  11. A seasonal treat to look forward to! I love them.

  12. What I like about eating them is you have to do it slow, and take your time. Not like a banana I can wolf down on my way out the door. :) Have a nice weekend.

  13. yum!!! tis the season!! love bashing the seeds out with a rolling pin!

  14. I love picking each seed out one by one!

    Fantasatic photo!

  15. We can thank the Greek Goddess Persephone for eating those seeds and giving us winter! LOL!!! So, what's done is done!!! LOL!!! I say eat and enjoy! They are so yummy!

  16. I just bought some, too. They are so tasty!

  17. I haven't had one since I was a kid-enjoy:@)

  18. Your photo is wonderful!
    True confession-
    I have never done anything with pomegranates.


    White Spray Paint

  19. I just bought my first pomegranate of the season tonight, and now I can't wait to break into it. :)

  20. You took me back years with this post...my maiden aunt first introduced me to pomegranates way back. Back then we used to eat them with a needle. It took hours painstaking picking out each seed but so rewarding with each jewel. A lot of work but all worth the effort.
    Nowadays we know all that's needed is to cut the pomegranate in half and whack the skin with a wooden rolling pin to remove the seeds....somehow that doesn't seem so much fun but then I suppose it depends what kind of a day you've had and how much pent up energy you might want to get rid of ;D

  21. These look good, ours were not so sweet this year.


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